spring 2025Downsview - MON/WED TIER 4A (C)STINGERSRegular season41012000
winter 2024GTA THURSDAY TIER 3B (B)STINGERSRegular season70114000
summer 2024Vaughan - TUESDAY MASTERS 33+DREAM TEAMRegular season71126000
summer 2019DOWNSVIEW TIER 3 (C)TORONTO MONSTERSRegular season50000000
spring 2019TIER 2 (B)THE BIG BASTONERegular season30000000
spring 2019TIER 3 (C)TORONTO MONSTERSRegular season20000000
winter 2018TIER 3 (C)TORONTO MONSTERSRegular season70220000
winter 2018TIER 4 (D)TORONTO RED BULLSRegular season40220000
fall 2018TIER 2 SUNDAY (B)GARAGE GUYSRegular season20220000
fall 2018TIER 3 THURSDAY (C)TORONTO MONSTERSRegular season70220000
summer 2018TORONTO TIER 2 (B)THE BIG BASTONERegular season90330000
summer 2018VAUGHAN TIER 2 (B)GARAGE GUYSRegular season102460000
spring 2018TIER 3 (C)GARAGE GUYSRegular season6010100000
winter 2017TIER 2/3 SUNDAY (B/C)GARAGE GUYSRegular season71120000
fall 2017TIER 2 FRIDAY (B)THE BIG BASTONERegular season80440000
summer 2017TORONTO TIER 2THE BIG BASTONERegular season141670000
summer 2017VAUGHAN TIER 2RAGERegular season131340100
spring 2017TIER 3 WEEKDAYRAGERegular season71230000
winter 2016GREATER TORONTO TIER IITHE BIG BASTONERegular season110660000
fall 2016GREATER TORONTO TIER IITHE BIG BASTONERegular season110550000
summer 2016VAUGHAN TIER 4RAGERegular season14122234000
spring 2016DOWNSVIEW TIER 4 SUNDAYRAGERegular season20110000
spring 2016DOWNSVIEW TIER 4ARAGERegular season100442000
winter 2015DOWNSVIEW TIER 4 SUNDAYTHE LOOSE STICKSRegular season21230000
winter 2015DOWNSVIEW TIER 4ATHE LOOSE STICKSRegular season1269150000
winter 2015GREATER TORONTO TIER IITHE BIG BASTONERegular season120552000
fall 2015DOWNSVIEW TIER 4ATHE LOOSE STICKSRegular season82130000
spring 2015DOWNSVIEW TIER 4A THE LOOSE STICKSRegular season11511160010
winter 2014DOWNSVIEW TIER 4A THE LOOSE STICKSRegular season11816242100
winter 2014DOWNSVIEW TIER 4B THE LOOSE STICKSRegular season439120100
winter 2014GREATER TORONTO TIER IITHE BIG BASTONERegular season131890000
winter 2014PREMIERTHE BIG BASTONERegular season40000000
fall 2014DOWNSVIEW TIER 4A THE LOOSE STICKSRegular season937100100
fall 2014DOWNSVIEW TIER 4B THE LOOSE STICKSRegular season41340100
fall 2014GREATER TORONTO TIER IITHE BIG BASTONERegular season133690000
summer 2014GREATER TORONTO TIER IITHE BIG BASTONERegular season141454000
spring 2014DOWNSVIEW TIER 4ARAGERegular season11413170100
winter 2013GREATER TORONTO TIER IITHE BIG BASTONERegular season131452000
fall 2013GREATER TORONTO TIER IITHE BIG BASTONERegular season114374000
summer 2013GREATER TORONTO TIER IITHE BIG BASTONERegular season142240000
spring 2013DOWNSVIEW TIER 3THE BIG HITRegular season92574011
spring 2013DOWNSVIEW TIER 4RAGERegular season82680000
winter 2012DOWNSVIEW TIER 4ARAGERegular season143690000
winter 2012DOWNSVIEW TIER 4BRAGERegular season61340000
winter 2012GREATER TORONTO TIER IITHE BIG BASTONERegular season140110000
fall 2012GREATER TORONTO TIER IITHE BIG BASTONERegular season111670100