Regular season Schedule Regular seasonAllPlayedUpcoming DateTimeHome teamScoreAway teamLocationThu Mar. 207:00 pmTORONTO RAMS--TITANS HCScarborough - Stephen LeacockMoreThu Mar. 207:45 pmNORTH YORK HITMEN--TORONTO MONSTERSDownsview - The HangarMoreFri Mar. 219:00 pmTORONTO MONSTERS--TORONTO RAMSDownsview - The HangarMoreFri Mar. 2110:00 pmNORTH YORK HITMEN--TITANS HCDownsview - The HangarMoreThu Mar. 276:45 pmTITANS HC--NORTH YORK HITMENDownsview - The HangarMoreThu Mar. 279:00 pmTORONTO RAMS--TORONTO MONSTERSScarborough - Stephen LeacockMoreThu Apr. 038:00 pmTORONTO RAMS--NORTH YORK HITMENScarborough - Stephen LeacockMoreThu Apr. 039:45 pmTITANS HC--TORONTO MONSTERSDownsview - The HangarMoreThu Apr. 106:45 pmTORONTO MONSTERS--NORTH YORK HITMENDownsview - The HangarMoreThu Apr. 109:00 pmTITANS HC--TORONTO RAMSScarborough - Stephen LeacockMoreThu Apr. 177:45 pmTITANS HC--TORONTO MONSTERSDownsview - The HangarMoreThu Apr. 1710:45 pmTORONTO RAMS--NORTH YORK HITMENDownsview - The HangarMoreThu Apr. 248:30 pmNORTH YORK HITMEN--TORONTO MONSTERSMarkham - Clatworthy ArenaMoreThu Apr. 249:00 pmTORONTO RAMS--TITANS HCScarborough - Stephen LeacockMore